Natalia Takena: “I Read You…”
Today, I want to discuss how our appearance influences our destiny. Our physical traits are passed down genetically from generation to generation, and our character is embedded within us from birth. However, we are born into a system that tells us how we “SHOULD” be. From the very first days of our lives, we receive feedback from our surroundings, often leading us to stray away from our true selves.
Studying our faces provides us with keys to understanding ourselves. In my practice of family counseling, I help couples find ways to interact more comfortably with their partners, to “speak the love language” of their partner, and not expect things from others that are not inherent to them. This shift allows for interaction from a place of acceptance rather than accusation, enabling a deeper understanding of loved ones.
For children as young as 14, much can be revealed through their facial features. Parents hold a sort of “flashlight” that they can use to illuminate their child’s strengths, avoiding the waste of energy—both theirs and the child’s—by moving in the wrong direction. You can ease your own and your loved ones’ life journeys by simply following the path of least resistance and utilizing your natural resources. This will be the most comfortable and authentic path for you.
If you believe you are doing EVERYTHING possible and still not achieving the desired results, it may be time to explore and understand yourself better.
Physiognomy is an additional, truly effective tool in the hands of a professional psychologist. A psychologist who studies your face can help you discover the inherent strengths you have had since birth, as well as identify what might be holding you back. What destructive beliefs about yourself and others do you carry like a banner throughout your life instead of being happy with what you accomplish today? Together with a psychologist, you can uncover psychological defenses and fears that prevent you from accessing YOUR own POSSIBILITIES! All this information, through collaborative work with a psychologist, will help you activate and unleash everything that is already “embedded” in your nature.
I am ready to hand you that very flashlight.
Contact: @psihologsnatalija